Subject: Do you do this too?

How do you feel about money (aside from wanting to have more of it)?

Do you feel good about what you have? What about how you spend your money (feel good about that too)? And do you feel great about your savings/investments?

Surveys tell us that…

  • 73% of adults stress over their finances at some point.

  • Finances are the #1 cause of stress for adults in the United States.

  • 58% of U.S. adults stress over holiday spending (and not having enough to spend).

And even though a majority (super-majority?) stress over money, very few talk about it.

Because it’s impolite. And uncouth.

Sometimes, there's shame around the amount of money made (or spent). And also shame around your supposed inability to manage your finances.

Ever experience this, Friend?

As the statistics prove, you're not alone. And what you must know is this...

There is nothing wrong with wanting to make money or making money. And also nothing to be ashamed of when you spend it.

What’s more is you can start to feel empowered with the money you make - and even with how you manage your finances.

Want to know how?

Listen to my conversation with Money Coach Rho Thomas, who helps attorneys master their personal finances so that they can have more freedom and choice in their lives.

Listen >>>here.



About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.