Subject: Do you do this too?

Two boring parents. Very little house-hold drama (other than the occasional boy-crazed outburst from her older sister). 

Every time she complained about her family I'd think. . . at least you don't have to worry about what time (or whether) your mom will make it home from the bar tonight.

I wanted her picture-perfect life. Until the day I found out that I didn't know what I didn't know (turns out that her sister suffered from depression).

I'd been comparing the messiest part of my life to an image of her life that wasn't real. [Apples to oranges, anyone?] 

What's worse is that prevented me from acknowledging the good in my life:
  • An amazing grandfather who taught me how to serve others without sacrificing yourself.
  • A close relationship with my brother Christopher (we were thick as thieves partly because of our home life).
  • A mom who - despite her faults - was fiercely supportive of her kids.
Why bring this up? Because you do this too, Friend (probably every day).

It's easy to compare the worst parts of yourself and your life to what others allow you to see of them. 

But I'm here to tell you that it's not real.  They're as imperfect as you are. And their lives are just as messy (maybe even messier).

All you're doing by comparing is stealing the joy right out of life.

That's why today's Life & Law Podcast Episode covers 5 practical tools for how to stop comparing yourself, your efforts and your results to others.

Listen >>> here to learn how to stop comparing so that you can finally feel content with who you are.



P.S. Don't let comparison to steal the joy from your life. Instead, learn how to overcome it by listening to this week's Life & Law Podcast >>>here.

Build the Success + Impact YOU Want
Here's how I can help:
  • 1-to-1 career coaching for professionals ready to reclaim your confidence + retake control of your career (and life).
  • ELEVATE Attorney Business Mastermind for partners & of counsel who want to grow your legal practice, not stress levels (on your terms). [Applications just opened for our next round].
Ready to explore how we can worth together?
About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals reclaim your confidence, retake control and create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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