Subject: Do you avoid this too?

I didn't go to law school to sell.

Selling feels pushy.

Whenever I ask for business, it feels awkward and I fumble my words.


I hear these complaints all the time from prospective and new clients.

What about you, Friend? Do you get uncomfortable when selling and/or asking for business?

It's time to embrace selling so you can sell with confidence - even like it.

Selling is an important part of life. Yes, I said life because any time you're trying to convince someone to do, think, believe or adopt something, you're selling.

And when it comes to selling a good or service, it's merely an exchange of money for that good/service. What's bad about that?

It's only bad when you guilt, lie and/or manipulate (which isn't necessary for effective selling anyway).

Which brings me to this week's Life & Law Podcast episode...

Introducing my client Alicia Voltmer, who came to me not liking the fact that she had to sell (and so rarely did).

Not only did Alicia transform her mindset around selling, she now sells with authority.

The best part is how effective she is at selling (she increased business by close to 30% last year and is improving upon that by leaps and bounds this year).

Find out how to sell with confidence by listening to my interview with Alicia >>>here.



P.S. Growing your own book of business is the BEST way to take control of your practice and your life. Which is why I hosted a free How To Improve Client Development ROI Workshop last Thursday. The bad news is you couldn't be there. The good news is I recorded it.

Listen to my FREE workshop >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.