Subject: Do you also do this?

I'll get to it soon. I'm waiting for a bit of inspiration. Something else came up. I work better under pressure.

I'll get to it soon.

I'm waiting for a bit of inspiration.

Something else came up.

I work better under pressure.

These are all common excuses for putting things off (also known as procrastinating).

Instead you choose to do something else. Something that feels more comfortable. Or more interesting. Perhaps even easier.

Besides, you have plenty of time.

Until you don't, and end up...

  • Frantically jumping from one emergency to another.

  • Cursing yourself for letting it happen (again).

  • Embarrassed that you can't seem to stop the cycle.

How do you change this procrastination pattern, Friend?

Try the following 3-step process:

#1: Look for the pattern (to help identify WHY).

There's likely a pattern to your procrastination. Ask yourself what the common theme is when you tend to procrastinate.

Understanding your patterns will help you to tackle the underlying causes of WHY you procrastinate.

#2: Give yourself help (however you can).

Figure out how to help yourself out. Think about what can be offloaded and what to say "no" to moving forward.

And for anything that you need to do yourself, reframe it by focusing on what you'll accomplish, what will be learned and so on. So that you can feel more motivated.

#𝟯: Commit to do it for 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟭𝟬 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝘂𝘁𝗲𝘀.

You can commit to just about anything for such a short period of time. Right?

Once you get started, you’re more likely to build momentum and not stop.

For more help, listen to my podcast episode that covers the 5 hidden causes of procrastination and how to overcome them >>>here.

Procrastination doesn't just happen. There's a reason behind it. If you want to STOP procrastinating, you must understand why.



P.S. I have great news! Next week I’m kicking off Season 2 of the Life & Law Podcast. So, be on the lookout (and be sure you’re a subscriber).

P.P.S. Trying to figure out which episodes to binge before Season 2 debuts? See below for more audience favorites you don’t want to miss.

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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.