Subject: Do this to reduce holiday stress

You know those people who put their Christmas trees up before Thanksgiving, play Christmas music non-stop and LOVE everything pumpkin?

Yep, that's me (a bit embarrassing but true).

I think I drive my family most c-r-a-z-y with all the (Time Life Treasury) Christmas classics playing non-stop from early November on.

I blame my mom. She always made sure that Christmas felt magical. And so I've continued many of her traditions while adding a few of my own to the mix.

The only problem was my chosen profession (finance lawyer).

Not-so-fun-fact: everything happens at the end of the year. Okay, so I'm exaggerating (but only a little bit).

More than half of my annual deals seemed to close at year-end which meant lots of billable hours and stress during the holiday season.

My holidays felt forever ruined until I:
  • figured out how to simplify self-care, and
  • let go of holiday perfectionism.
You don't have to be a finance attorney (or even a lawyer) to feel extra stressed-out this time of year, Friend.

Family + work + finances + trying to put on the perfect holiday (just to name a few) make it stressful for everyone. But it need not feel chaotic and overwhelming. 

The truth is that the holidays can feel joy-full.

Join me today on the Life & Law Podcast to discover how to simplify self-care and actually enjoy the holidays.



P.S. Even more crazy than my pre-Christmas rituals? I want to go back to normal once Christmas is over so put it all away the day after Christmas.

P.P.S. To help you simplify self-care this holiday season, join me in the Get Reenergized Self-Care Challenge. This easy 7-day Challenge is designed to help you simplify self-care so that you can transform it from a *should* (you barely ever get to) into a priority you actually enjoy.

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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