Subject: Do this one thing to recharge

No one could see them but the heavy weights balancing on my shoulders every time I walked into the office were there nonetheless.

The moment I disembarked from the elevator onto my office floor, I could have sworn I was trudging through wet clay.

But I did nothing… For YEARS.


I assumed it was supposed to feel this way (thanks to the high-stakes, high-pressure legal environment).

I'll get used to it (I thought).

I finally realized that wasn't true. But then thought something was wrong with ME because:

  • The work was interesting.

  • The people were smart, helpful and nice.

  • The culture wasn’t toxic in the way you hear about toxic work cultures.

Something had to be wrong with ME. And so, I pushed on despite the unsettled feeling within my gut.

Until a new upstart firm came to Texas that promised to be more entrepreneurial.

I was intrigued...And it finally clicked.

Although my firm culture wasn’t toxic in general, it WAS toxic for me because it didn’t fit one of my biggest values (freedom).

My firm was committee-run. Everything needed debate and approval. I felt smothered by it.

This was a new beginning for me - when I started to connect more deeply with my values and use them in my decision-making.

Including where I chose to go next...

Despite being warned by many well-meaning Texas attorneys not to choose the upstart firm, I chose it without reservation.

[Turned out to be a good choice because it’s where I became a shareholder, built a thriving book of business and happily practiced for over 12 years before retiring as a lawyer].

Know your values, Friend. And then use them as your inner compass for decision-making. Not only will it reduce analysis paralysis but you’ll feel more content.

Learn more about how to use your values to recharge (both professionally and personally) in this week’s podcast episode >>>here.



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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.