Subject: Do this if you want to see daggers shoot from my eyes

Eyes shooting daggers, I cut her off.

I was in the middle of a complicated project that needed deep thought, and a colleague had just barged into my office for (at least) the hundredth time that year (it was only April).

Even though my door was closed.

Even after I had told her not to do it.

This is a perfect example of something that happens often - to us all. With family members, friends, colleagues and (yes, even) our bosses.

Like when:

  • Your mom comes over unannounced (after telling her to call ahead).

  • Your partner spends joint funds on an expensive something (after asking them not to).

  • A family "friend" insists on giving long hugs (knowing you aren't comfortable with them).

The solution can be summed up into just one word.


Something that - for most people - feels hard. But how hard is it (really)?

One could argue that's it's not all that hard to draw boundaries.

It's just that it feels uncomfortable. Because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings or be judged harshly. And also because you don't like having difficult conversations.

Let me ask you, Friend...

Don’t you feel uncomfortable when a colleague barges into your office, your mom comes over unannounced, and/or your partner spends money they shouldn’t?

Doesn’t that sometimes elicit daggers from your own eyes?

And doesn’t that strain your relationships with people that are important to you?

Boundaries are there to protect you. But they do even more than that because they foster better relationships, including with the people that are most important to you.

Which is why I'm tackling how to draw effective boundaries (with grace!) on today's Life & Law Podcast.

Listen to How To Draw Boundaries >>>here.



P.S. Did you know that telling someone not to do something isn’t a boundary? A boundary needs a consequence. Learn how to effectively draw and enforce your own boundaries >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.