Subject: Do affirmations really work?

I'd rather hear nails on a chalk board than have to listen to yet another self-appointed personal development "expert" tell me how they. . .
  • manifested their dream life,
  • attracted everything they wanted, and/or
  • self-affirmed their way to confidence.
As if they just needed to believe more and *poof* what they wanted became reality.

What they never mention is how hard they worked, the help they received, the (many) failures along the way and how long it really took them.

Perhaps they've forgotten all of that. [Kind of like how most women tend to forget the pain of childbirth over time]. 

I'm not saying that mindset doesn't matter (as it's the foundation to all that I do).  What I'm saying is that it's not the only thing that you need.

But that's not even the worst of it.

This idea that you can change how you think by simply repeating something (you don't yet believe) isn't backed by science.  And it can backfire on you (making things worse, not better).

You're smart, which means that you're mind will say "Ummmm, nope. I don't believe that." And then it will double down on all the reasons why not. 

But that doesn't mean that self-affirmations can't work. You just need to know how to do them correctly based on what we know about how the brain works.

Lucky you, I've got you covered Friend.

Listen in to this week's short Life & Law Podcast episode to learn how to use self-affirmations correctly to change how you think. 

You'll learn when and how to self-affirm, including a step-by-step process for how to come up with the right affirmation for you + how to change your affirmation over time so that they continue to work most effectively.



P.S. Self-affirmations are a powerful way to counteract the negative voice inside of your head. So, be sure to listen to today's podcast episode to learn how to use them effectively >>>here

P.P.S. Success requires hard work, time and courage. But that doesn't mean that it can't be fun. If you're ready to confidently create the success you want (while having fun), here's how I can help.

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About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals reclaim your confidence, retake control and create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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