Subject: Deep breath - I've never talked about this publicly

NOTE: I LOVE having you on my newsletter list, but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe by tapping Unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
I have a confession to make: I care way too much about how I’m perceived.  And it has hindered me – both personally and professionally - throughout my life.

It started when I was a kid.  Although we weren’t what one would call “poor”, we didn’t have a lot of money.

My mom was a nurse (and a single mom) and struggled to ensure that we had a good home in a great school district, food to put on the table, and clothes that were nice.  And she did a pretty darn good job.  But I had just enough clothing to get through about 7 school days before I’d have to start all over again.

Now, I get that things could have been much worse.  But we lived in a pretty affluent neighborhood – and kids can be cruel.

I hated being perceived as “poor” and made fun of because of how I looked and dressed.  So I hid.  I hid behind books and by being the “smart” girl.

Unfortunately, this has stuck with me forever.  It’s probably one of my biggest weaknesses.

And it’s something that I’m ashamed of.  Why?  Because most people seem to believe that I don’t care about what others think of me.  Which makes me feel like a fraud.

People think that because I share personal viewpoints and stories on my blog, that I don’t care how I’m perceived (but the truth is, I've not shared so much that I could have for fear of what people would think).  They think that because I’m a coach and help people get over their fears and self-doubt, that somehow I’m super-woman.  But the truth is, I’m not.

I'm just as human as you are.

So now, I’m working to overcome this weakness.  I’ve even got a 5-step process for doing so.  A process that has helped me stare down other weaknesses in the past so that I can work to overcome them too.  So why not use it to tackle the one that’s been dragging me down the longest?

Friend, what’s your biggest weakness?  Want to overcome it?  Find out how in my latest YourTango article:

I’d love some company as I work through mine.  ;-)

Here's where I'm going to ask something of you (actually, several things).  Read the article and then share it with your family and friends (because we ALL have weaknesses and they ABSOLUTELY CAN be overcome). 

And, once you've read the article, I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.  Hit reply to this email and tell me what weakness you're going to start facing head-on and work to overcome.  I read every email - and will even respond to you.

I promise to keep you updated on how my journey goes and to share more of the things that I've been afraid to (in case you can't tell, I started doing that today).

All my best (and with much love),


P.S.  I'm serious about wanting to hear from you, so reply and let me know what you're committing to face head-on and work to overcome.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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