Subject: Clarity only comes through action

When people first reach out to me, I almost always hear that they’re “stuck”.

Stuck in negative thinking.

Stuck in stress and anxiety.

Stuck in the wrong firm/job/career.

Stuck in business growth.

Stuck… [in one or more areas of life/business/career].

How often does one of the above happen to you, Friend?

It's okay (not only is this common - normal, even - there's good news about how to get unstuck).

Whether the stuck-ness relates to thoughts, stress, professional development, business growth or something else entirely, the answer is always the same thing…

Get out of your head and take action.

Thinking isn’t doing. You don’t get answers that way.

Action is what brings clarity.

I know you worry about making the wrong “move”, being the first and/or being judged harshly. It’s part of why you haven’t taken any action yet.

But there comes a point where you must take a leap of faith and act regardless. The good news is you're smart and can figure things out as you go.

As my client Suzi Hixon said: “It’s so easy to be resistant to taking any action due to uncertainty. But Heather has taught me that clarity comes from taking imperfect action.”

Notice Suzi placed emphasis on taking imperfect action?

You don’t need to be perfect. Or 100% correct.

Take your leap of faith, learn from it, and then do it again (and again). It's the secret to not feeling stuck.

Ready to take focused, strategic (yet imperfect) action with the help of an expert? Check out how I can help >>>here.



P.S. Because businesses are made up of individuals, stuck-ness doesn’t only apply to people (businesses can get stuck too). This is something we cover in today's podcast about What Law Firms Can Do Differently To Unlock Attorney Potential. Check it out >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.