Subject: Choices [case study inside]

Today I have a client's story to share with you that has a powerful lesson. But first a question, Friend. . .

Can you really make one decision today that has the power to change your life for the better (forever)?

You likely know my answer to this question. [Heck, yes!]

Here's where my client, Lorilei (pronounced lor-uh-LEE) comes into play.

When working together last year, we put together some simple mindset + self-care practices to help her be more resilient and less stressed despite her busy schedule.

I checked in with her this past spring (in the middle of the COVID-19 lock-down) to see how she was faring. As if the worry, fear and mental strain from being isolated at home with her young son wasn’t enough, she ended up being furloughed.

And (like any normal person would in this situation) she felt overwhelmed, and even started to feel a bit depressed.

But instead of allowing her mind to stay in that place, she implemented the perspective-shifting strategies we had worked on together. That got her into action (feverishly applying for jobs), and . . .

She was quickly blessed with 2 job offers.

There are several lessons to be learned from Lorilei:
  • It’s okay to feel sad, frustrated, lost, even a bit depressed [and whatever else you might feel] when life gets off-track (it’s normal). So don’t beat yourself up over it, especially since. . .
  • You have a choice in how to deal with these moments. You can double down on all that negativity or use proven strategies to regain control and get your mind back on track.
  • Mastering your mindset isn't about doing away with negative thoughts or feelings. It's just that you'll know how to be more resilient to them. So that you can act and live despite these feelings (and not get stuck).
Lorilei made a choice last year to put herself first and take control of her mindset. And she continues to make choices for herself every day.

Which is what life is all about (choosing).

How are you choosing these days, Friend?

If you're ready to choose yourself and would like my help, this is a friendly reminder that spots are filling up fast to apply for Inside-Out Success Coaching at 1/3 off the investment.

Go here to find out more and to apply.



P.S. Got questions? Just hit reply and ask away (I promise to answer all of them).

P.P.S. Want more help with how to make the right choices for yourself?  Read (or even re-read) 10 Life Tips for How to Excel In Life.

About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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