Subject: Case study (and proof that you can)

A couple of weeks back, I introduced you to a new concept around how (and why) to redefine success from the inside out, so that you can:
  • stop thinking of success as a destination (that you may - or may not - get to),
  • approach success as a way of living (starting right now), and
  • create a more fulfilling, happy life (while achieving MORE of what you want).

Although I've gotten some wonderful feedback on this concept, I also know that it can be difficult to apply to real-life without more context.  

What you need is an example, which is why I'm bringing my dear friend and former client, Jim Chester, on the podcast today.

Jim's an attorney with a profitable legal practice.  But he's not just another lawyer.  

Jim also teaches, runs a separate business of his own, is active within his Church and is a devoted husband/father.  And he's the perfect person to show you:
  • How to juggle varying interests and commitments without feeling overwhelmed.
  • How to let go of what others think (and leave your ego behind).
  • What to do when things get too busy so that you can reverse course before it's too late.
  • How to start figuring out your own version of success (even if you’re not sure what to think/do).
Go here to listen how to balance success in both life and career without losing yourself, giving up on your passions or settling for less.

And once you've listened, would you do me a quick favor by rating + reviewing the Podcast on Apple?  They tell me it makes a difference, and I'd so appreciate it.



P.S - If you're an attorney who's ready to redefine success and build the practice you really want (while keeping things super simple), there are two ways I can help:
“Perfect for any lawyer wanting to get to the next level without losing yourself in the process.” – Jim Chester

About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals reignite the spark that made you choose your career in the first place.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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