Subject: Can I be real with you, Friend?

I'm wrapping up this month's series on how to finish the year strong (despite all the disruption) with a reality check.  

Too many people are held back because they're not willing to accept the following 3 truths:

#1: Hard work isn't a guarantee (and you don't deserve it).

Life isn't fair. Some people have it easier than others. Many don't play by the same rules. And sometimes people will try to hold you back.

And sometimes, other people deserve it just as much as you (or more!).

You know this, already. But have you truly accepted it or do you use it as an excuse to quit (or never try in the first place)?

Acceptance isn't the same as giving up, but about not making excuses so that you're more capable of taking on life's challenges.

Remember that success isn't linear.  You're going to take a couple steps back every so often, veer to the right, dip down, climb steep hills (even mountains) and go around in circles.  It's part of the growth process.

#2: Success isn't about your destination.

Succeeding in life isn't really about where you end up.

Success is about how you choose to live life (and hence, living a life with purpose).  Your outlook matters.  To determine where you are, consider:
  • When life gets especially hard, do you savor the little things or focus on everything that's gone wrong in your life?
  • Upon NOT achieving a big goal, do you celebrate how far you've come and identify what you've learned (so you can use it moving forward). . . or believe you've failed and never look back?
  • When circumstances work against you, do you let go of your dreams or consider the ways in which you can pivot (and still achieve what you want)?

#3: The path to success doesn't always feel good. 

Despite all the Instagram promises otherwise, living with purpose feels vulnerable and takes serious courage.

It requires that you go out on a limb, risk ridicule and potentially do or say the "wrong" thing.

But it's worth it because it's how to make an impact in the world.  It's also what brings fulfillment, builds courage and creates freedom for yourself.

Your Next Step. . . Support

You don't succeed in life by doing everything yourself.  You need people who:
  • Give you spiritual, emotional and mental support and guidance.
  • Push you to be your best, mentor you through tough situations and keep you accountable.
And you need coverage in ALL areas of your life (personally, professionally and spiritually).

Identify who's within your support system and any gaps. And then FILL the gaps.

Then use your support system like your life depends on it, Friend (because it does).

Getting support doesn't make you weak, it makes you smart.



P.S. Everything you've learned this month isn't just to help you finish the year strong, but to help you live intentionally and purposefully. If you've missed any of these, I've put it all into one article on the blog.

P.P.S.  When ready to add a coach to your support system, here's how I can help.
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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