Subject: Friend, what if...

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Hey there, Friend (and happy Wednesday!!).  As you've gone through your quarterly goal review process, what have you found? 

Perhaps you’ve found that something has been preventing you from going all-in (and going big).  Are you playing it small and not doing everything you can to achieve your goals (and hit them out of the ballpark)?

If you‘ve found that you’ve been playing small (and not going big enough), you’re not alone.  It’s a common occurrence.

And I’m right there with you.  Because I've found some interesting "aha's" as I've gone through this process.  The biggest? I’ve been allowing fear to continue to get in my way (fear of the unknown, of what others will think, and of failure – to name a few).

FEAR.  It's so all-encompassing - and it can creep up when you least expect it to (even if you've decided NOT to let it get in the way any longer).

If you, like me, are ready to kick fear to the curb and move beyond it, then read my latest article on the blog about How to Stop Letting Fear to Control Your Life So You Can Go Big and Stop Playing Small.  Because fear doesn’t have to stop you (and you CAN move beyond it). 

In today’s article, you’ll learn
  1. How to start pushing past your fears by identifying what you’ll most regret should you not do so.
  2. How to rethink what risk really is (because we often don’t consider not taking action as a risk – even though it is).
  3. What it means to be fearless (hint: it’s not being without fear) and how to live fearlessly by accessing the courage that’s within.
  4. The EXACT questions to ask yourself to help you step into your courage and move beyond your fears – so you can start living your life all-in YOUR WAY (and with no regrets).
I want you to stop thinking about all the what if’s that fear has put into your mind and instead ask yourself “what if I fly?”

When you’re done with the article (and assuming you enjoyed it and learned something from it), I ask you to do a favor for me.  Please share it with your family and friends (and tag me if you share it on Facebook, so I can respond to anyone who has comments, etc.).

Here’s to living life more fearlessly!


Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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