Subject: Friend, THANK YOU

NOTE: I LOVE having you on my newsletter list, but if you no longer want to receive emails from me, you can unsubscribe by tapping Unsubscribe at the bottom of this email.  Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
As we wrap up this year and head into the holidays, I wanted to say thank you -  I appreciate you more than you know.

I learn so much from my clients and my readers – through your email responses, comments on my blog, Facebook comments, and even personal conversations.  And you know how much I love to learn and grow (so please know that YOU are a huge part of me being able to do that).

And, as a special thank-you, don’t forget that I’m offering a complimentary hour-long review and planning session to you (no strings attached).  This session is for those of you who, like me, want to take this time of year to self-reflect upon the past year, what can be learned, and how to use those lessons for an even better 2018.  I like to call this the Ultimate Year-End Review and Planning Session (because it will truly help you leverage this year's lessons into next years wins).

In this session, you'll: (1) gain insight into the lessons to be learned from the past year and how to incorporate them into your 2018 plans and goals, so you can confidently move forward into 2018; (2) identify and gain clarity around your 2018 goals and why they matter so you can take purposeful and meaningful action in the new year; and (3) dare to go bigger and push past what’s “comfortable” so you can have meaningful success in 2018

Spots are limited, so be sure to grab yours quickly (and that's easy - just go to my calendar and pick a day and time that works for you).

Here's to a wonderful and happy holiday season - that's safe!

With much love,


P.S. Not only is this complimentary session a great way to plan for the next year, but it will show you the positive impact of coaching and how it works (so if you've been wondering exactly how this "coaching" thing works, it's a great way to experience it for yourself).  Grab your session quickly - before the offer ends (and spots disappear).
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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