Subject: Be part of the 8%

Want to be part of the 8% that achieves your goals next year? Here's how I can help.

Did you know that most people don’t achieve their goals?

I’ve seen statistics that say close to 92% of people who set New Year goals don’t achieve them. [Yikes, right?].

How do you become part of the 8% of goal-achievers?

Here’s what the stats tell us:

  • Write your goals down (it makes you 3 times more likely to achieve your goal).

  • Map out your goal achievement strategies (to increase your odds to 50%).

  • Tell other people about your goals (to increase your odds to about 65%).

  • Have an accountability partner to report to regularly (to improve your odds to 95%).

Sounds simple, and yet few of us do these things. Let's face it, Friend...

Life gets in the way, you're busy and it's easy to convince yourself to go it alone (we humans love to prove that we can do hard things all by ourselves even though it's easier - and more fun - to team up with other people).

This is a big reason why coaches exist, by the way.

And it's why I designed the Business Accelerator VIP Day for service professionals ready to build the business - and see the results - you want in 2023 (without wasting time doing things you don't enjoy).

During your VIP Day, we’ll:

  • Assess and finalize your 2023 business goals.

  • Hone in on how to simplify your actions while maximizing results.

  • Map out your strengths-based goal achievement strategies.

  • Put together a 90-day strategic action plan to get you started.

  • Trouble-shoot potential roadblocks (so you know what to do when things don't go as planned and don’t get stuck).

You'll also have 45 days of VIP support and a bonus follow-up implementation session.

The end result of all of the above?

Optimized strategies.

An actionable plan you're confident in.

Consistency and accountability.

Up-level your business.

Learn more about the VIP Day and reserve your spot here.

Have questions? Hit reply and ask away.

Spots are limited (I'll take up to 8 people max) and will remain open only through January 18th. So, if you're interested. don't delay.

And regardless of your interest...

I wish you a very happy (and safe) New Year's Eve celebration, and the success you want in 2023 (and beyond).



P.S. The Business Accelerator VIP Day is only a fit for service professionals ready to grow your business (starting now) so you can make the income and impact you know you're capable of in 2023.

P.P.S. The steps identified above apply to everyone. Use them to your benefit as you set and work to achieve your goals.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful.