Subject: Be careful not to assume too much

Last week’s newsletter got some rave reviews and some exits from this newsletter.

Missed it? You can read it here.

To quickly summarize: there is an epidemic of silence in the West around things that are clearly wrong (such as rising antisemitism). Don't be silent - speak up, call people out.

But what if speaking out puts your livelihood - or safety - at risk?

This is a valid concern.

My answer revolves around three questions:

  • Who do you want to be (and how must you show up to be that person)?

  • What conversations could you start having with colleagues, family, & friends?

  • What changes within your life must you make to do more (should you want/need to)?

Remember that speaking out can include actions (investing time, energy, and money).

Courage is about doing the hard thing, knowing there might (maybe even likely will be) negative consequences.

You have it in you to be courageous, Friend.

A quick note about making assumptions (because feedback has shown that many seem to assume I am on their "side")...

Don't assume one "side" is better than the other. It is what leads your lizard brain to make excuses, creating the silence we're talking about.

There are people, actions, and movements to be called out on both sides.

Besides, is there a real "side" other than the side of humanity?



Life & Law Podcast

Are you so busy that you're too exhausted to even think about where to invest your time, energy, money and/or words?

It's time to slow down. Learn how - and why you need - to slow down in today’s Life & Law Podcast installment. Listen here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.