Subject: At the end of your rope? Read this.

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you

Now, on to the good stuff...
Ever feel like you're at the end of your rope, Friend?

Several years ago I certainly did. Year-end as a finance lawyer tends to be super-busy.  But this particular year was special

I was working most days of the week from early October through the end of the year - many of which were 15+ hour days. In the midst of this, I had to have surgery.  And there I was drafting documents and getting on long conference calls from my bed the day after surgery.

What's worse is that I was in the midst of starting my coaching business on the side.  That's when I realized that I'd made a huge mistake (and was kind of crazy).  

I was trying to be superwoman - and failing miserably at it [because spoiler alert: I'm not superwoman].  Although I wanted to throw my hands up and just walk away, I didn't.


Instead, I picked myself up off the floor and decided to...
  • ask for help; and
  • take care of myself.
In the day-to-day grind and hustle, there are times when you wonder...
  • How will you make it work?
  • Will you find the strength to keep going?
  • What's it all for, anyway?
In those moments, I want you to create space for yourself to do whatever you most need.  And I also want you to get support.

That's exactly what I did... and it worked like a charm.  Here's what I did:
  • I hired a coach to help me figure out how to take care of myself while working a full-time job and a side-hustle.  And I made my time with her a priority.
  • I got help with my legal work by delegating more and trusting in those people to get it done.
  • I prioritized time for myself every day.  Sometimes it was just 10-15 minutes, but this time was sacred and I did whatever I felt I most needed in that moment.
And I want you to do the same thing.  Get help and take at least 10 minutes every day to and for yourself.


Let's partner together to take you from exhausted and stressed-out to feeling clear and confident.  How?  With Detox Your Mind coaching, a 4-week coaching experience designed to:
  • re-train your mind to think more creatively and positively; and
  • develop new habits to create space to think (and stop old patterns of behavior that impinge on your ability to do that).
What this means for you is that you'll be less stressed, out of overwhelm, and will have more clarity and confidence (at a time when you probably need it the most).

Because I want to do something for my audience, I'm offering Detox Your Mind at a special holiday price of $197 (it will go back to $397 shortly).  And please note: total spots for this offer are limited and several folks have expressed an interest.

Grab your spot before it disappears.  Get the details regarding Detox Your Mind here or simply hit reply to this email and I’ll help you with next steps.

Believing in you this holiday season!
P.S. What I know is that the right support makes all the difference – especially when it comes to changing your mindset and habits. Let's partner together to make it happen.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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