Subject: Are you sitting down?

"What's the cost?"

A simple question my economics professor put to my class (back when I was a sophomore at UT).

As an economics major, the concept of cost-benefit analysis was seared into my brain.

Something that helped when I battled breast cancer. Treatment increased my risk of infection. Which could land me in the hospital. Even kill me.

This increased risk changed my behavior.

  • I washed my hands more often (and for longer).

  • I didn't go to large indoor gatherings when my counts were especially low.

  • I had to steer clear of my boys for 4 days when they got sick.

But I knew that my decisions had a cost... Mentally. Physically. Spiritually.

They cost BOTH me and those I loved most.

Which is why I still held my kids, hugged loved ones and scheduled regular outings with friends despite the risks.

I wanted to LIVE the life I still had.

So, imagine my horror when the world went into lockdown without ever asking the question...

"What's the cost?"

I remember telling my mom when we first locked down that there would be an economic cost to it that virtually no one wanted to address. Never did I imagine how long it would go.

As the world continued to implement policies that had never before been attempted (and weren't part of our pre-planned pandemic strategies), my horror grew.

Because my professor was right when he plainly stated...

"Go in with your eyes wide open. There's a cost to everything."

That's true no matter how good or proper you believe a policy (or individual decision) to be.

I'm not here to argue the right-ness or wrong-ness of the world's pandemic policies.

There's nuance in this world. And nuance to every decision that's made.

Which is actually my point. Because we've been ignoring the nuance.

What can you do about it, Friend?

Keep your eyes wide open by asking... "What's the cost?"

Not only will this help you see the nuance that exists, but you'll be making more informed decisions. And you'll also be better equipped to manage (even reduce) the risks.

Because I want you to LIVE the life you have.



P.S. I'm taking a short break from the podcast and will be back with new episodes in May. In the meantime, be sure to catch up on missed episodes (see below to get started).

P.P.S. Ready to start living your life more fully? Go >>>here to schedule a Breakthrough Call to chat about how I can help.

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About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals become happily successful.

Learn more about me >>>here.