Subject: Are you ready to go big?

How to achieve big things next year (and beyond).

Ever notice that your big dreams (about you, your career, your business) are often set in the future? Maybe a couple of years into the future - or longer?

That’s because it’s hard to imagine going after big goals in the here-and-now.

Although your brain is fine with imagining the perfect life/business far into the future, back up your timeline and it immediately puts up roadblocks.

Guess what happens if you’re unaware of how this works (or that it’s even happening), Friend?

You hold yourself back (without even realizing it).

That’s why I invited fellow lawyer and lawyer coach Dina Cataldo onto the Life & Law Podcast this week. Dina’s passionate about helping people achieve their big, scary goals.

Listen to our conversation >>>here, and start achieving your big goals next year (and beyond).



P.S. Ready to get started now? Setting the right goals is your starting point, which is why I hosted a live goal-setting workshop last week. The good news is that I recorded it for you. Watch it >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Learn about how here.