Subject: Are you ready, Friend?

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”, I asked myself back in the Fall of 2019 (as I decided to start my business mastermind for attorneys).

I had never run a group program before.

The dynamics of running a group are different than 1:1 coaching, and I was nervous about whether I was cut out for it.

And when it comes to group programs like this, people must commit to the entire group (meaning no refunds). I needed to give specifics about the results they could expect.

Yes, I had examples from individual clients. But it still felt scary to say it out loud. And even though it’s impossible to NOT get results when taking intentional, strategic action, each individual’s timeline and exact amounts vary.

Unanticipated events can slow things down.

Which is why just one month into my inaugural group kick-off, I had some moments of panic.

The COVID shutdown was my unanticipated event.

But you know what?

I figured things out. We - as a group - figured things out.

Turns out the Mastermind was the perfect space for brainstorming new ways to grow a law practice in the midst of a shutdown. And the thing to provide the life raft of support each person craved during that strange time.

I learned some important lessons during that time. Lessons I wanted to share with you today, Friend.

Lesson #1: Being ready is a choice (and a mindset).

We often talk about choosing to be ready. But before you can do that you must accept the mentality of choice.

There are consequences to every choice you make. And yes, doing nothing is a choice (to which there are consequences too).

Lesson #2: You can figure things out as you go.

You’re capable of more than you know.

Don’t discount yourself by not trying new things or continuing to put something off because you don't have it "all figured out" yet (hint: you never will).

Lesson #3: Support makes all the difference.

You always need support. But it's even more important when trying something new or making a change to your life.

Surround yourself with good people.

People who have your back. People who provide alternative viewpoints. People you can brainstorm with. People who can teach you. People you trust.

And use them to your advantage by seeking their opinion, knowledge, input, support and so on!

Is there something you've been thinking about doing or changing yet haven't because you feel like you're not ready yet?

Listen to today’s Life & Law Podcast to learn how to choose to be ready >>>here.



The Mastermind (Called ELEVATE) Is Back

If you’re a private practice attorney ready to grow your business, and would like to get results like:

  • Increasing originations by more than $200,000 from the prior year.

  • Building a strong referral network that regularly sends clients your way.

  • Getting over $1MM in revenues.

  • Hiring staff to support a growing business.

  • Increasing profits by 30% from the prior year (and then by 50% the year after that).

I invite you to apply now.

These are actual results from real clients. And it’s not just about monetary results. Participants rave about how the experience reenergizes them and their practice.

But I want to make one thing clear…These clients came prepared to work and refused to give up on themselves.

I am not the coach for everyone but for the right few, what I teach is a game-changer for your practice, your revenues and your life.

As former mastermind participant Monica says “Heather’s cut-to-the-chase, no-nonsense approach gets results.”

Learn more about and apply for ELEVATE >>>here.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.