Subject: Are you letting this slip away?

Confession. . . early in my legal career, successful was the LAST word I would have used to describe myself.

[Emotional train wreck was a more apt description].

The long hours coupled with the pressure to do it all while trying to please everyone made me hate it.  I was constantly questioning my decisions and hardly ever spoke up for myself (not exactly a recipe for long-term success as a lawyer).

I’ll never forget the night my husband decided to speak up.  He wasn't buying my complaints or excuses any longer, and told me (in not-so-eloquent words) to take responsibility for my life.

Although it was hard to take, it was the jolt I needed to stop letting my life (or big dreams) slip away because it's when I admitted that. . .

The problem wasn’t my job, career or the people I worked with. It was me.  Because success is created from within.

And it was time to take control of my mind so that I could. . . 

✔ Put my wellbeing first.
✔ Create strong boundaries (even at work).
✔ Have space to think.
✔ Speak up and stand out at work.
✔ Build a profitable legal practice (while having a real life).

Do you sometimes feel like there's GOT to be more to life than working hard to meet everyone else's expectations (without time for your own), Friend?  

It's common among successful-on-paper professionals (and not exactly surprising given the pressure to do more, faster while juggling a million balls in the air).

And it's only getting worse. . .

According to the American Psychological Association, stress and anxiety in the age of COVID is at an all-time high. Our minds are suffering.

That’s exactly why I created the Mindset Mastery Boot Camp (which starts Monday, August 31st).

To give you the starting point for building a resilient, stress-less mentality that allows you to calmly + confidently handle anything life throws your way.

Life gets busy. I’m right there with you.

But if you commit to doing the (very easy + quick) challenge each day, this could be the thing that transforms your life and business.

Can’t wait to get started!

Join here now:



P.S. Even if you're not planning to join us, please do me a favor by SHARING the Boot Camp with your family, friends and colleagues. So many people need this right now and I'd be so grateful for your support:
About Heather

Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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