Subject: Are you half-way to your goals?

It’s the end of May. Which means we’re almost half-way through this year.

Where are you in respect of your 2023 goals, Friend?

If you're half-way (or more) there, congrats!

Although it's tempting to keep pushing, be sure to celebrate your accomplishments to date. This will motivate you to keep going and achieve - maybe even exceed - your goals.

If things haven't gone your way (maybe you're not even close to half-way there), don’t give up.

You set your goals for a reason. They’re important to you.

Even if you don’t fully achieve them, you’ll get closer by not giving up.

Back when I was a young partner, I set a huge monetary goal for my practice (getting over $1MM in originations for the year). I didn't make it.

Even though I "failed", the work I did was foundational to achieving the same goal the next year, and continuing to improve upon that each year thereafter.

To help you be strategic about how to move forward, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Where did you want (or expect) to be at this point?

  • Where are you, actually?

  • What can you start doing NOW to move yourself forward?

Be honest in your answers.

And note: you don’t need to take a huge leap forward immediately.

Identify one step that will get you moving in the right direction, then commit to doing that one thing within the next 24 hours.

And if you're unwilling to take that step...

Ask whether it's the right goal for you (or for now).

The one time it DOES make sense to let go of a goal is when you determine you've set the wrong goal for yourself.

Maybe because you don't really want it. Or perhaps because there's something else you want more (or that makes more sense before going after this particular goal).

Not sure whether to keep moving forward or let go?

Hit reply and tell me what you’re uncertain about. I’m happy to respond with a couple of questions to help uncover the answers you’re looking for.



P.S. If this email sounds a bit familiar, it's because I sent a similar one last June. It seemed to hit a nerve and can't be repeated too many times (so I'm sending to you again).

P.P.S. Next week the Life & Law Podcast is BACK! Be sure you're a subscriber so you don't miss a new episode. Here's where to subscribe via:

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.