Subject: Anyone can do this

Want to network more effectively AND enjoy it (even if you're introverted like me)?

Stomach in knots, palms slightly clammy and heart pounding, I thought I was going to faint as I walked into the conference room filled with people I didn’t know.

It was my first in-person networking event as a new associate.

Wondering if anyone would notice if I turned around to leave, a familiar voice said my name.

It was one of the partners I worked with (I was stuck).

I spent the next hour stuck to said partner like a magnet, making excruciatingly painful small-talk. [As soon as he left, so did I!].

It wasn’t one of my finest networking moments.

I’d love to say I fixed this immediately but I didn’t.

It took me years to figure out I could network effectively - even enjoy networking (as an introvert).

What about you, Friend? Do you also dread networking (or feel you're not good at it because you're introverted)?

Would you like to change that? I hope so because you can be effective at and enjoy networking. Even if you’re introverted like me (so, why not?).

Listen to today’s podcast >>>here to find my top tips for effective networking (plus how to change your entire mentality around it so you can enjoy yourself even as an introvert).



Are You An Attorney Wanting To Exponentially GROW Your Practice (Not Stress Levels)?

You can do that too. But ONLY with the right support because you need people who will:

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  • Hold you accountable to the things you say you’ll do.

  • Challenge you to move forward despite your fears and doubts.

  • Celebrate your accomplishments with you (and help you to see the ones you can’t).

  • Surround yourself people like this to get where you want to go more quickly.

Which brings me to my attorney business growth mastermind (ELEVATE)…

If you are a partner/shareholder, of counsel attorney or senior attorney who craves this type of support to help you grow your business, ELEVATE was designed specifically for you (learn more about it here).

Doors open soon.

And the good news is you can get in early with several bonuses(including early access to and more support from me plus a payment plan) IF you sign up for the ELEVATE Waitlist.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.