Subject: A treat for you (so you can have more clarity, confidence, and control)

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Do you ever think "there's got to be MORE to life than this?"  And by more, I'm talking more meaning, more happiness, more purpose for your life.

You're not alone.  Even though most people think this at some point in their life, few people try to find that something "more". 

Because it sounds scary - and they fear that it would be selfish to find and live out their purpose.  So they allow fear to stop them from looking for it and choose to keep "going through the motions".  But these people are wrong. 

Finding your purpose isn't that complicated (we humans LOVE to over-complicate things).  It's not about giving up your day job, leaving your possessions behind, and trying to "save the world" (most people don't need to make big or sweeping changes to their lives to live their purpose).

And it's 100% NOT selfish.

Human beings are made to be unique.  There's a reason we weren't made to be a bunch of lemmings doing and thinking the same things. And we shouldn't be afraid of figuring out, nor should we feel selfish about wanting to be, who we're meant to be.

Besides, living your purpose makes it more likely that you'll have a positive impact on the people and world around you - simply by being 100% YOU.

What's selfish about that?

Which brings me to the point of today's email.  I have a new resource to share with you (and I seriously hope you take full advantage of it).

Introducing the Inner Compass Values Assessment (no opt-in required). This Assessment is simple (yet powerful), with 5 steps to help you get clarity around your core values and learn how to start realigning your life around those values. 

Your values give you your identity and make you uniquely YOU.  They are what give you meaning and purpose in life (your big WHY).

Download the Inner Compass Values Assessment now to:
  • Uncover your core values so that you can have clarity about what gives you purpose and see your path forward (a path that feels right)
  • Learn how to quickly reorient your goals and daily decisions around your core values so you can stop worrying about whether you’ve made the right call and instead have faith in yourself and your decisions
  • Uncover your EXACT next steps to living your purpose so that you can have control over your life and be true to your priorities
You were made to be your unique and wonderful self. Don't you think it's time to get clarity around who that is and start living that way? I sure do.

Until next time...


Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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