Subject: A treat for you [Ultimate Year-End Review and Planning Session]

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I’m a HUGE fan of self-reflection (shocking, I know) – and doing so on a regular basis.  Especially at the end of each calendar year. 

When I perform my annual self-reflection, it’s all about (1) remembering where I started at the beginning of the year, (2) taking stock of where I am now, (3) celebrating my big wins for the year, (4) acknowledging where I stumbled or fell, and (5) deeply reflecting upon what I’ve learned during the year.

Why do I do this?  So that I can take what I’ve learned and ensure that it sticks.  And so I can leverage what I've learned as I set my sights on the year ahead.

What about you, Friend?  Do you perform an annual self-reflection?  If not, then I suggest that you try it out this year.  And I've got a few tips to help you make the most of it (along with a treat for you as well - so read on):
  1. Ask yourself tough questions (and be brutally honest about their answers) with a goal of developing a deeper level of understanding about yourself, what you’re capable of, and your environment.
  2. Ask yourself whether you could have gone bigger or done something different.
  3. Look for any behavioral patterns (that could be helping or hurting you) and beliefs that are limiting you (or that you don’t really believe, but adopted because you were taught to).
  4. Don't pass judgment on yourself - try to stay objective and learn as much as you can.
The goal is to reflect on what happened and why – so that you can understand the “why” more deeply and begin to see how you can change things in the year ahead (as well as what you want to further incorporate into your life and keep).

Remember that the purpose for an annual self-reflection is to become wiser about yourself and your circumstances – and to use this information in a smart manner when setting plans and goals in the new year.

So now the fun part:  if you’d like to ensure you go deep and get the most out of your self-reflection, I’m offering a free Ultimate Year-End Review and Planning Session.  In this session, we’ll dive into what you’ve learned from this past year and how to leverage it into next year’s plans, so you can have bigger and more meaningful success in 2018.  Specifically, you’ll:
  • gain insight into the lessons to be learned from this past year and how to incorporate them into your 2018 plans and goals, so you can confidently move forward into 2018;
  • identify and gain clarity around your 2018 goals and why they matter so you can take purposeful and meaningful action in the new year; and
  • dare to go bigger than you thought you could (realistically, of course) so you can push past what’s “comfortable” and have meaningful success in 2018.
This offer is complimentary and comes with no strings attached.  It’s my way of giving back to you.

If you’re ready to take your planning for next year to the next level and learn to leverage this year’s successes and setbacks into meaningful wins for 2018, schedule your Ultimate Year-End Review and Planning Session with me here.

Please note: this offer is limited in time and space.  I’m only taking these complimentary sessions through the 2nd week of January (and once the available spots go, they’re gone).  So, if you’re interested, be sure to sign up soon.

Looking forward to chatting with you!

All my best,


P.S.  This offer is open to all - including existing and previous clients (so you CAN schedule your session with me even if we're currently working together or if we've worked together in the past).
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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