Subject: A simple reminder [about success + happiness]

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Now, on to the good stuff...

Last week I had to have a (simple) medical procedure done.  

To kill time while sitting in the waiting room, I flipped through the magazines on display and couldn't help but notice that the glossy cover photos and related stories screamed of 'success'.  

There were rags to riches stories and tales of having 'made it' despite long odds.  And there were profiles of well-coiffed founders who stared confidently into the camera (yet rarely smiled).

Modern society's definition of success is all about things that can be measured and that are visible.  You want to be the best, at the top, have the most, rise the fastest, and so on.

If you can't readily see it or measure it, then it doesn't exist.  Right?

I don't know about you, but I believe that success isn't just about what's easily measured.  What about the impact you make on others (that's often not easily measurable)?

How about your own happiness?  Are you content with who you are and where you ended up (and how you got there)?

How you measure success matters.  It's what determines who you become and the choices you make.  And that has a real impact on other people and the world around you.

My questions for you is. . . how do you want to measure success for yourself moving forward?  It's never too late to redefine it, Friend.

Last week, I challenged you to live life more fully and asked you to answer a few simple questions.  If you didn't see last week's email or still need to answer the questions, go read it here.

Your answers will help you redefine success in a way that matters.

Before you go, reply to this email and tell me how you're redefining success for yourself.  This will help make it more real to you.


P.S.  This small shift in how you measure success can lead to BIG positive changes to your life (and others).  Be sure to do it - you won't regret it.
On the Blog

For help with living life to the fullest, read:

Published at Forbes Women

About Heather

Recovering attorney.  Certified coach.  Cancer survivor.  Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).

Here's how I can help:

1.  Uncage Your Life Coaching: Free yourself from burnout by resetting your self-care practices in this 90-minute coaching session.

2. Inside-Out Success Coaching: 6 months of VIP coaching to help you transform from feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled to clear, confident, and in control.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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