Subject: A note about happiness

Why happiness is fleeting for so many (and what to do if you want to be happier).

We humans spend a lot of time trying to be happier yet often fall short. The problem is we’re looking at it the wrong way.

We think we should "find" happiness. And that others can help to "make" us happy.

But you make your own happiness by creating it from the inside-out. Which means your starting point is... You.

From a practical standpoint, here’s what that means…

Step 1: Self-Awareness

Begin by becoming more self-aware of your thoughts and beliefs. Because your thoughts and beliefs create feelings/emotions, which influence your decisions.

And you can't make better decisions (or take the two steps outlined below) if you aren't self-aware of these things.

Step 2: Self-Responsibility

Take responsibility for the choices that have led you to where you are now.

Although there are things outside of your control that DO impact you, how you choose to show up inside of these things is where you have control and where your responsibility lies.

Step 3: Self-Regulation.

Self-regulation is about changing your thoughts/beliefs so that you can change your habits and make better decisions.

This creates more clarity around what you want and how to make what you want actually happen. And most importantly, it's what creates contentment...

In who you are.

And how you show up.

Even about your decisions.

This is key to feeling grounded and (you guessed it) happy. And it's where coaching can help the most.

But you don't have to work with a coach.

Which is why I'm sharing a free resource called 5-Minute Stress Solutions.

Quick note: don’t let the name fool you. Yes, it will help you to better manage stress. But it will also help you take all three of the steps outlined above.

Get 5-Minute Stress Solutions here.



P.S. Are you an attorney trying to market your business? Today's Life & Law Podcast episode is for you. Listen >>>here to discover how to use copy & content to build trust through marketing.

About Heather

Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Lover of queso & dark chocolate. Mom x2. Wife to a semi-stoic.

On a mission to help you become happily successful. Find out how here.