Subject: A little inspiration and empowerment for the weekend

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.  Now, on to the good stuff...
Okay, so I know that it's not technically the weekend yet.  But it's close.  And today's message is definitely inspiring and empowering.

Before I move on, Friend, I've got a question for you.  Do you consider yourself to be strong?

I'm not talking about physical strength. Nope, I'm asking about inner strength.

This is something that so many people think of all wrong.  As though it's something only some people are gifted with (and others don't have). 

If that's you, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong.  Inner strength is something we ALL have.  It can be found from within each person.  And it can even be grown into a powerhouse over time.

I've talked before about emotional strength and
how to become that way.  But this is about more than emotional strength.

Inner strength is a combination of mental resilience, emotional intelligence, and self-discipline.  And every one of these things can be found and grown from within. 

All you need is to acknowledge that, want it, and take some steps to find and grow yours.

To find out exactly how to find and grow your inner strength, take a look at my new YourTango article about the 10 Ways to Find and Grow Your Own Inner Strength.

It's time to be inspired and empowered to take action on your own behalf (no one can do it for you).

Once you've read the article, I ask that you like and share it with someone you feel could use it.  I'd like everyone to have the opportunity to become a powerhouse of inner strength.

All my best,

P.S. If you're a woman who's looking to ditch the rules + values of everyone other than yourself and replace it with success on YOUR OWN TERMS, and would love to join a tribe of like-minded women who are there to support you along your journey, then I invite you to join my private Facebook group for Soul-Savvy Professionals.
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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