Subject: 8 proven strategies for more confidence, control, and calm

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Now, on to the good stuff...

When something unexpected occurs or things don't turn out as planned, how do you respond?

When you feel overloaded, do you know how to get yourself back on track without allowing yourself to spin out of control in stress and worry?  

How often do you feel like a hamster stuck on a never-ending wheel that's going at warp speed?

The truth is: you have more control over these things than you likely realize.  No matter your circumstances.

Because you have control over YOU... your mentality, how you choose to respond to negative events, and even your thoughts.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from clients and prospective clients is how out of control they feel in life.  In my experience, they feel this way because they're trying to control all the wrong things and not even attempting to control the stuff they actually have control over.

Sound familiar, Friend?  It's time to change that.

Instead of leading you to a long blog post, I'm offering you access to a free gift called 5-Minute Stress Solutions.

5-Minute Stress Solutions contains:
  • 3 simple techniques to calm your mind when feeling stressed and overwhelmed so that you can quickly reset and get back on track.
  • 2 powerful, easy-to-use exercises to gain control over your thoughts for more self-confidence and happiness right now.
  • 3 daily habits for more presence, calm, and mental resilience so that you can take control of your life and prevent stress from ever happening in the first place.
Implementation of these strategies will: (1) drastically reduce the stress in your life, (2) make you calmer and more self-confident, and (3) give you more control over your life.

Look, I know that you often feel stressed (maybe even overwhelmed).  It's common these days.

I also know that you'd LOVE to have more control over your thoughts so that you can feel good about yourself and your life.  

And I'm guessing that there are things you'd like to change in your life (maybe even in your career) yet you can't because you're not sure where to start and doubt that you can make any changes for the better.  It's tough to figure things out when you're being pulled in a million directions.

Download 5-Minute Stress solutions now so that you can create space to think, drastically decrease your stress levels, and gain control over your thoughts (and your life).  This resource is free, but I do ask that you share the love by sharing an article I wrote on self-confidence and happiness on LinkedIn.

To get your free resource, tap on the button below and follow the directions:

On the Blog

Have you read these yet?  They're all about getting more control over your life.  

Uncage Your Life

Are you unhappy yet uncertain what to do about it?  You keep thinking you need to change something, maybe your job or even your career.  But you're struggling with all the competing thoughts going through your head about what to do, what you really want, and the repercussions of making a big change to your life.

It's time to stop allowing yourself to be trapped in indecision.  In just one session, let’s parse through all those competing thoughts so you can get clarity around what you want, make a decision, and move your career + life forward.  

About Heather

I’m a certified coach, recovering attorney, cancer survivor, mamma to 2 high-energy boys, and self-described happiness warrior.  

I help successful-on-paper-yet-unfulfilled-in-life professionals to overcome overwhelm, defeat self-doubt, and gain clarity of purpose so that they can take full-out control of their lives and create success on their own terms, from the inside-out.

Using evidence-based, scientifically proven knowledge and techniques, you'll get clarity around exactly what you want and how to get it while gaining the confidence and mental resilience to make it happen.

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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