Subject: 67% are burnt out. Here's how NOT to be one.

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Although I truly love having you, I only want to send you emails if you're enjoying them and they're helping you.

Now, on to the good stuff...

A recent Gallup study found that 67% of US workers report feeling burnt out, with 23% feeling burnt out all or most of the time and 44% feeling burnt out sometimes.

I don't know about you, Friend, but I find that statistic depressing yet... not all that surprising.

Are you one of the 67%?  Do you sometimes (or often) feel like:
  • you're not in control of your time, your calendar, or your life?
  • you're drinking from a fire hose (and/or constantly fighting fires)?
  • you're stuck on an ever-circling hamster wheel that you can't get off of?
Which, of course, has you feeling physically exhausted and mentally drained.

You Need to Learn to Relax

It's time to learn how (and why) to relax.  Before you start telling me that you don't have time or that you'll feel guilty about taking any time for yourself right now, hear me out.

Because relaxation isn't what you think it is.

  • why (and how) relaxation and renewal time will help you to be better at your work;
  • 5 simple, guilt-free relaxation strategies that are easy to incorporate into your life;
  • 4 expert tips to help make it even easier to relax.
Once you've read the article, please do a girl a favor and share it with your family and friends.  All you have to do is use one of the nifty social media share buttons at the top and bottom of the article.

And if you're...
I help professionals achieve success that's fulfilling, makes an impact, and is fun without sacrificing personal happiness, health, relationships, or integrity.  It's all about achieving success from the inside-out.  To find out more, go here.

And don't forget that I'm currently offering Detox Your Mind Coaching at a special year-end price.  It's perfect for you if...
  • you're ready to convert internal chaos into calm;
  • you're interested in trying out coaching (without a huge time commitment or price tag); and
  • you're ready to learn how to relax and prioritize yourself for a change (without feeling selfish or guilty about it).
I have several spots still available.  NOTE: this is your LAST WEEK to receive the year-end special offer of $200 off the regular price, so scoop it up now before it's too late!

With much love!

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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