Subject: 5 simple reminders and 3 questions (for more balance, less overwhelm)

Today, I have a few simple self-care reminders that's applicable to everyone (so keep reading, Friend).

I was in Nashville this past weekend for my sister Holly's bachelorette party.  Holly has a large group of amazing + close friends (who know how to party).

Although I went into the weekend excited, I was worried that I'd come home exhausted and that I'd be the only one needing daily down-time.

Turns out that most everyone needed time and space to themselves too.  After observing everyone and myself closely over the weekend, I was reminded that. . .

5 Self-Care Reminders

#1: Self-Care Is Simple

Too many people over-complicate what self-care is (and hence what they need to do to take better care of themselves). It's not about doing more, measuring everything, and beating up on yourself for not doing enough.

Remember that self-care is about your well-being (physically, spiritually and emotionally/mentally).

#2: Your Self-Care Needs Change Daily

What you need today will be different than what you need next week (or even tomorrow).  Your needs change depending on your circumstances and your mood.

Check in with yourself daily so that you don't get caught stuck in a routine that's not serving you the way that you need.  It's okay to change things up

#3: Self-Care Must Be Prioritized To Be Your Best

You know how you're supposed to put the airplane oxygen mask on FIRST and then attend to those around you? Same thing with taking care of yourself.

#4: Each Person Has Their Own Unique Self-Care Style

One person's version of self-care (like a girls trip to Nashville) isn't necessarily self-care for another.

Know your style and stick to it so that you DON'T get sucked into what everyone says you're *supposed* to do.

#5: Self-Care Includes Simple, Quick + Easy Activities

Self-care isn't just about exercise and eating well.  It can include simple activities that are quick and easy to fit into your daily routines.

 Here are a few ideas:
  • Taking a couple of 5-minute breaks while at work.
  • Sitting outside for 10 minutes to listen to the birds.
  • Playing hide-n-seek with your kids.
  • Doing a 3-minute meditation when things get busy.
  • Jamming out to music while doing household chores.
  • Listening to an audio book while driving to/from work.
3 Questions To Ask Yourself (Every Day)

The point of self-care is so that you feel well - even about who you are.  Because when you don't take care of yourself, you'll become needy (and trust me, that's NOT a good look).

My advice is to check in with yourself every day by asking the following 3 questions:
  1. WHAT do you need today for your well-being?
  2. WHO do you want to show up as today?
  3. HOW will you make both happen?
Friendly Reminder: I Need Your Help

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The survey is your chance to tell me what you'd like to see more (and less) of.  And it will help me better address your needs moving forward.

It's your last week to give me this feedback, so PLEASE do so now (there's a free gift involved).


P.S. Don't forget to fill out this short survey so that I can create more relevant content for you.  I'll probably be bugging you again later this week if you haven't, so please do so now!
About Heather
Recovering attorney. Certified coach. Cancer survivor. Mom x 2. Married to a stoic (truly).  Believer in living boldly.

Ready for help with becoming successful from the inside-out (and not just on paper)? 

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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