Subject: 5 Ways To Supercharge Your Success

Two years ago, I started my business mastermind for attorneys. It was a great idea (if I do say so myself) but there was one problem...

Most people who receive this newsletter and follow me on social media aren't lawyers. So, how to sell it?

The answer: cold calling people I hadn't talked to in forever.

Not only is cold calling NOT my thing (is it anyone's?) but I'm the girl whose husband laughed out loud when I told him I wanted to start my own coaching/consulting business.

His exact words... "Heather, you're going to have to sell yourself. We both know that makes you uncomfortable."

Selling as a lawyer was hard at first. But I eventually got around that by shifting my mindset around what I was selling: a service to help people so it wasn't about me.

Yet when it came to coaching, it felt like it was about nothing but me (this was my big mistake, of course).

It might surprise you to learn that sometimes my mind goes into "what if" overdrive. Boy did it kick in back then. What if...
  • People get mad that I'm trying to sell to them?
  • They think I'm crazy (masterminds aren't well known in the legal world)?
  • No one says "yes"?
Clearly, I had to get over all that if I was going to be successful in launching my mastermind. Which is why I worked with a coach who helped me shift my entire mentality around selling.

Was cold calling still hard? Yep.

So was hearing "no" (which I heard plenty of). But I did it anyway, and filled my mastermind with the exact right people.

Any of these ring a bell, Friend?
  • What if things don't work out?
  • What if you don't yet know enough?
  • What if it's too late (you're too old to get started)?
  • What if no one will take you seriously?
  • What if there's not enough time?
  • What if you can't afford to invest the money needed?
These are common mindset blocks that show up for most of us at some point in our lives (the no time/money thing shows up consistently for me).

I don't want these blocks to stop you from achieving all the things you want to achieve this year (and beyond).

This is about more than achieving things. It's also about how to enjoy your journey. Because that's where all your living takes place.



P.S. I'm about to relaunch my mastermind, which means cold calling AND sending a few emails your way about it. If you're an attorney who might be interested, check out the mastermind >>>here.

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About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Lover of queso & dark chocolate.  
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.

On a mission to help purpose-driven professionals confidently create your next level of success + impact (without burning out).

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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