Subject: 3 tips, 2 quotes, 1 question [to keep you motivated & on track]

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I'm worried that all I've achieved has been lost.

That was the first thing out of a clients mouth in a recent session.  Let's back up a second so that you have the full picture of what was going on.

By most people's account, my client is successful... yet she came to me feeling like she was failing life.  She had zero energy and felt guilty that she wasn't taking care of herself (yet also felt selfish any time she tried to carve out time for just her).  

She knew she needed to start prioritizing self-care, but was struggling with how to do it.  So, we got to work... and in just a few short months she turned it all around.  To the point where she described herself as feeling on top of the world.

But then life happened (as it tends to do).  She got busy... and all the self-care routines and tools she'd been utilizing seemingly went out the window.

When she came to me she was frustrated (and beating herself up).  

The good news is that she got back on track.  How?  By using a few simple tips that I'm sharing with you today.

Self-Care Success Tips When You're Busy

Tip #1: Less is more.

Self-care is often about doing less. That's especially the case when the demands of your work and life feel out of control.

Does that mean you need to drop something?  Definitely.

Look at your to-do list and ask yourself the following question (for each item):

What happens if I don't do it?

And then be super honest with yourself in answering.  You'll be surprised how many things can be delegated, put off, or dropped all together.

Less is more. It's time to live it.

Tip #2: Be creative.

"It isn't enough to think outside the box.  Thinking is passive.  Get used to acting outside the box." - Tim Ferriss

Let's say you usually work out and meditate every morning.  So, when you get busy and don't have that kind of time does it mean you do nothing?

Your brain is going to tell you that you don't have an hour to devote to your usual routine and so can't do anything (which means that you're a FAILURE).

But your brain is lying to you.

When life gets busy, it's okay to simplify your routine.  It's even okay to be creative.  Because the truth is: you're brilliant Friend (and it's time to use that brilliance creatively).

Take 20 minutes instead to get in a 10-minute HIIT routine followed by a cool-down and 5-minutes of meditation.

And figure out how to fit into your daily activities some simple self-care.  Here are a few examples of what I'm talking about:
  • Practice gratitude when driving home from work.
  • Do 40 squats every time you go to the restroom.
  • Hold a phone meeting while going for a walk.
  • Listen to a driving meditation on the way to work.
None of these add to your plate, yet still constitute self-care.

Tip #3: Build (and use) a support network.

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it." - Mark Amend

You need support.  People you can go to for help and advice.

Be sure that you have that in your life.  Just make sure you put the right people in that network.  They should be:
  • trustworthy;
  • good listeners;
  • honest (in a kind way); and
  • someone you're willing to be vulnerable with (asking for help and taking advice is vulnerable).
The biggest thing to remember is to use your support network!  It does you no good to have a network of people who can support you if you never ask them to do it.

Simplify Self-Care Challenge

If you're frustrated by trying to fit self-care into your life, all hope isn't lost... no matter how busy you are or how overwhelming it all feels.  You just need a bit of tailored guidance and help.

And luckily, I have just the thing for you...

Introducing the Simplify Self-Care Challenge: Effortless Self-Care to Feel Calm, Confident and In Control.

This is a short yet powerful 7-day challenge tailored specifically to help you make self-care easy, simple, and lots more fun. Beginning September 9th, you'll receive daily emails with guidance (and step-by-step instructions) on how to simplify self-care.

By the end of the Challenge, you'll have a clear vision of what self-care is to you and how to fit it into your daily life (with a simple plan that you can follow).  In just 7 days, you'll be more empowered and in control of your life while feeling more relaxed and calm.

Join the challenge here:

It's time to start prioritizing self-care (instead of just reading about it and promising yourself you'll do it later).

P.S.  Join the Simplify Self-Care Challenge so that you can make self-care fun + easy and start feeling good about (even proud of) yourself.  You have to proactively join it to do it.
About Heather

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who helps successful-on-paper-yet-unfulfilled-in-life professionals overcome overwhelm, get career clarity, and build the inner confidence to make their vision a reality.

Using evidence-based techniques and knowledge, I help clients form new habits and create new patterns of behavior. And I also help them positively change their relationship with their thoughts (after all, they’re what determine how you behave and how others perceive you).

Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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