Subject: #1 tip to increase productivity

I kept thinking "Heather, what's wrong with you?"

It was busy season as a corporate finance attorney (October - December are by far the busiest months). 

My team and I were more than busy. We were slammed. [I'd even turned down work from my biggest client].

Although this was part of the usual year-end rush, I felt unusually exhausted. 

I kept telling myself "You've done this before. It's short term so just gut through it and deal."  Until. . .
  • It dawned on me that I'd never done this as a cancer survivor (not-so-fun-fact: it takes years to fully recover from treatment), and
  • I admitted that I wasn't so young any more (another not-so-fun-fact: things really do change around 40).
That's when I did some research about how to best manage a busy workload. And I found that I needed to take regularly scheduled breaks throughout the day. Even (especially!) when busy, under pressure and trying to meet a deadline.

Friend, do you ever. . .
  • rely on willpower to give you the energy to push through & finish strong?
  • say no to taking a break because you're in the middle of something?
Thought so. I did to.  The problem is that doing these things will make you less productive - even negatively impact your work product.

That's why today's Life & Law Podcast topic is all about how (and why) to take regularly scheduled breaks.  You'll learn what works (and what doesn't), how to structure your breaks, and what to do when taking breaks.



P.S. When I discovered that I should take scheduled breaks even when in the middle of something (and not finish what I was doing first), my mind was blown. This went against everything I thought I knew.

What's your biggest takeaway from today's episode? I'd love to hear. . . just hit reply. 
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About Heather
Recovering lawyer. Executive coach. Cancer survivor.
Host of the Life & Law Podcast.  

Lover of queso & dark chocolate who's on a mission to help lawyers + other driven professionals transform from burned out to balanced so that you can make a more meaningful impact (both personally and professionally) while doing less, not more.

Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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