Subject: 1 Quick Way to Simplify Your Life [That's Seriously Underrated]

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Now, on to the good stuff...

If I asked you how you're doing right now, would your answer be "busy"?

Are you so busy that you feel like you're...
  • going 90 to nothing?
  • covered up (and about to suffocate)?
  • juggling a million balls in the air (and worried you're about to drop them all)?
That was me at the beginning of last week.

My calendar and to-do list were full with my regular weekly client service and generating activities as well as several unique and time-consuming obligations (like a new corporate proposal and a speaking engagement an hour away).

None of this was bad.  On the contrary, it was great for my business.

The problem was that I couldn't keep up with it all and felt like a 100 lb. weight had been placed on my shoulders that I was forced to drag around.  After trying to get it all done for the first 2 days of the week, I finally decided that something had to give.  

That's when I gave myself permission to drop something without... feeling guilty about or beating myself up over it.

What did I drop?  My writing.  I didn't write a single blog post last week.

For an online business owner who's trying to utilize her blog for SEO search purposes, that's actually a pretty big deal.

The Effect of Being Overly Busy

In my experience, most high-achievers rarely consider dropping something from their to-do list. Instead, they find ways to get it all done by:
  • cutting back on time with family and friends;
  • getting less sleep; and
  • doing everything more "quickly" and "efficiently" (yet not doing a great job at anything, and then feeling guilty about it).
The fact is: you can't do it all.  You're a human being who needs to take care of yourself, get sleep, and allow your mind some breathing room.

But when you're busy, you deprive yourself of what you need most.

That's when you end up feeling drained, exhausted... even burnt out.  Not only that, but your work product suffers (and it's time to admit that).

The Underrated Solution to Being Overly Busy

Instead of wearing your busy-ness as a badge of honor, how about admitting to yourself that you can't get it all done?  At least not well.

When you admit that you can't be or do your best in this state of being, then it's much easier to let go of something.  Because dropping something from your to-do list and/or your calendar will:
  • create more time and space for you to think more clearly and creatively;
  • help you feel more calm and relaxed; and
  • increase your energy levels (almost instantaneously).
There's something about making a decision to drop something that's freeing.

Your Success Strategy

Here's what I want you to do (right now), Friend:
  • Step 1: Review your to-do list and calendar, while considering how they make you feel.  Do you tense up, feel stressed, or even overwhelmed?  If so, then this is ESPECIALLY for you.
  • Step 2: Analyze every task and appointment.  Ask yourself what would happen if you didn't do it - either at all or right now.  Be honest about the repercussions of not doing something.  Most people see dire consequences when there really aren't any.
  • Step 3Pick 1 thing to drop (and then drop it).
When doing this, keep in mind that you'll be better able to serve others (both personally and professionally) by dropping something.

A few tips:
  1. Dropping something means either (1) dropping it forever or (2) rescheduling it for a later time.  However, do NOT reschedule something if it's going to create more stress in the future.
  2. Consider delegating everything that can be done by someone else.
  3. If more than one thing can be dropped, drop them all.
Once you decide, celebrate the fact that you've created some time for yourself and then use it wisely.  Spend that time doing things that are real priorities.

Once you've gone through this exercise, I want to hear from you!  Let me know what you chose to drop and how that felt for you.  I read every response and promise to get back to you.

Feel Calmer, More Confident, and In Control

Have you downloaded 5-Minute Stress Solutions yet?  If you haven't, then do it now.  Not only is it FREE, but it will help you (1) drastically reduce stress, (2) change your relationship with your thoughts, and (3) feel calmer, more confident and in control.

Who doesn't want that??

I kindly ask that you consider sharing my article about Why Building Self-Confidence is Important to Being Happily Successful on LinkedIn by tapping the button below (after sharing, you'll be taken to the guide).  If you're not on LinkedIn or prefer not to share the article, you can get direct access to your free guide here.  The important thing is that you download the guide and use it!

On the Blog

Are you a mom who feels guilty about working... especially since you WANT to work??  Read 10 Realistic Tips to Mothering Without Guilt While Excelling In Your Career so that you can (1) let go of the guilt, (2) feel confident in your decisions, and (3) feel good about yourself.

Do you ever feel like your happiness suffers the more "successful" you are?  Find out Why Building Self-Confidence Is Important to Being Happily Successful to feel (1) more self-confident, (2) in control, and (3) happier.  NOTE: this is the article I ask you to share above.
Uncage Your Life

You're unhappy in your career and struggling with all the competing thoughts about what you really want and the repercussions of making a big change to your life.

With Uncage Your Life, you'll:
  • Uncover what’s been keeping you stuck in worry and indecision, with ways to get past these roadblocks.
  • Get clear around what you want while creating a clear, strategic plan of action with your next few steps.
  • Uncage yourself from indecision so that you can move your career and life forward.
About Heather

I’m a certified coach and recovering attorney who works with smart, savvy professionals committed to their success and happiness.

Step-by-step, I help you achieve a balanced lifestyle doing work you love without sacrificing or settling.

Using evidence-based tools and knowledge from the fields of neuroscience and psychology, you’ll get clarity around exactly what you want + how to get it while increasing your self-confidence and mental resilience so that you can make it happen.  Learn more about what we can do together.
Heather Moulder
Course Correction Coaching
Moulder Consulting Services, Inc., 11816 Inwood Rd #3153, Dallas, TX 75244, United States
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