Subject: Small List. Big Results. Find the Secrets!!

Hi. Mark Carrington again

Following up from yesterday's email. I promised to give you the inside scoop on my friend, Adam Payne's new product called The Affiliate Oracle which launched today, February 26. I met Adam a few years ago in Tokyo. He is an ex-pat Englishman who likes to call a spade a spade. He has been involved in online marketing for a long time especially in Youtube marketing.What stands out about Adam is his no bullshit approach - he is intent on making his corner of the affiliate marketing world one of a trusted fiduciary (his words).

How does a guy with a list of just 2000 subscribers REGULARLY drive more
affiliate sales than competitors with lists 5X bigger?

It’s an insider secret, but today’s your lucky day.

For years he’s been building laser targeted audiences to drive commissions to any offer he likes.

Often in less time, and for CERTAINLY much less money than most others
spend to get anything close to his results.

I’ve seen stats where he’s converted at over 80% on certain offers …
Imagine that - sending out a promo and 8 out of 10 people that click through
BUY and put a commission in your pocket.

His new program is a step by step training program aimed at people wanting to make a go at affiliate marketing. I got review access over the weekend and I have been working my way though. I have found that he covers all the right stuff without fluff and he focuses in on what is really important. The material has enough structure for you to pick and choose what you need to know and skip over the stuff you already do. I put together a review blog post and review video building on what he was teaching. You can find that blog post here. You will find the link to the sales page in the blog post and in the Youtube video description.

I did say also that I would remind you about Dean Holland's revised webinar which is being run also on February 26 at 6pm UK time. Here is the first reminder. I will send the link out as a separate reminder in a few hours - be sure to look out for it.

Take care and kind regards


ps That blog post link again.