Subject: Page Builder Lessons: The Hard way

Hi - Mark here

Who remembers Geocities for building websites? I started there in the early 2000's and migrated to the clunky world of HTML for websites from there.

Along came the smartphone and everything changed.

Everything has to be mobile responsive. Well I am an old time IT geek = I bought my first Apple II before the IBM PC was invented - scary. I am used to clunky and I am used to desktop and HTML isn't that clunky really. BUT who needs to use HTML when there are great page builders that take the drag out of clunky HTML and replace it with Drag and Drop and Mobile Responsive.

Now I love data. I ran Twitter Ads for quite a few months. The training said target desktop. How wrong was that?

80% wrong - 80% of the traffic going to my Twitter Ads was mobile.

Enough old timer stuff. I wrote a blog post about a few page builder experiences. Better than that I included a video showing you how quickly I can bang out a desktop and mobile responsive page.

You can find that blog on my blog site - that alone tells me how much things have come along since clunky HTML

The star of the show is not the old timer BUT the free form editing power of my page builder - Convertri.

- Free form drag and drop editor
- Check and edit specifically for mobile
- Super fast loading times
- Includes super fast hosting

Skip the blog if you want and head off to Convertri for a free trial. Find a template and test against one of your landing pages.

Take good care and happy page building.
