Subject: Managing Frustration

Hi, Mark here

My mentor, Dean Holland, always says that focused consistent effort wins. And he is right.

I find it is not always plain sailing and it does pay to step back and review what is working and what is not. With luck and focus, you will get back on the horse and start going forward again every time you fall off.

The last two months have been a challenge getting back on the horse. Good news is I only came off one horse and my income streams from investing kept working except when tweet mania breaks out from Donald Trump which produced unexpected outcomes in markets.

I did write a blog post about managing frustration and dealing with depression and how to find friends. You can read it here.

While you are there go back and read a few of the earlier posts especially those about Twitter strategies. They contain some hard earned lessons - you will find out what I think about them in the post.

Take good care
