Subject: 94% of Bloggers Are Not Doing Well


I offered to help a friend set up a blog. She has a story to tell.

I might not be the best person to write about blogging success because I have been doing it for 12 years now and for the most part I am not very good. I certainly have not made a standalone living doing it. But I am not alone - my estimate is only about 6 or 7% of bloggers are making above the median annual income from blogging.

That means that 94% are making less.

I wrote down 5 lessons that will help you get out of the 94%. I set them out in my latest blog post. You can read that here.

While I knock my blogging prowess, I have written 452 blog posts (as of August 15, 2019) about investing in the last 3 years. I do make money doing that and I do learn from the good and bad stuff I do in investing - once I write it down, I learn.

Now I am also working on some other blogging materials - I will send them along when I get my stuff organised.

Take good care and happy blogging - be part of the 6%


ps lesson 1: Blogging requires consistency. 452 investing blog posts in 3 years is 3 a week = consistency. That link contains the other 4 lessons.