Subject: You've been sold a lie...

I know because I was too

You likely got into copywriting because of 1 of three reasons.

No 1: you wanted time freedom.

Work your own hours, set your own schedule, have no boss.

No. 2: You wanted financial freedom.

Six figure contracts, revenue share deals, royalties.

No. 3 You wanted location freedom.

Work from anywhere, live where you want, move when you feel like it.

In fact, chances are you wanted all 3.

But here's the thing...

You were sold a lie.

Copywriting couldn't be more different from these "dream outcomes."

And it's not because they're not achievable.

But because they contradict each other. 

In 2021 I moved to Barcelona.

It'd been my dream for a while and now I could finally enjoy the "digital nomad" lifestyle.

And for the first week I loved it.

The sun. The food. The vibe.

Everything was amazing.

But after two weeks I realised there was a problem...

I had location freedom...

But my time freedom was capped.

I was working 8 to 10 hours a day to scale my business.

Which meant I couldn't actually enjoy the city.

I spent most of the day at an Airbnb desk writing copy.

And the days I did go out?

My income would go down.

And this is one of the biggest problems with the "digital copywriter" story.

If you want to build financial freedom you need a steady routine.

If you want to build a study routine you need a steady location.

If you're on the move all the time, you're going to struggle to scale.

So here's the reality of copywriting...

You need to be in one location for at least 6 to 12 months.

During those months work on your skills, land clients and build your business.

And then if you want to travel, you can.

Just be aware that business will likely take a hit.

Now, you might be thinking:

"Why is Jack trying to put me off copywriting?"

And that would be a fair question.

But here's the reality...

I'm giving you the real insights as to what copywriting is like.

It's hard work, determination, and consistency.

Not sipping pina coladas at the beach while watching your bank account get bigger.

Don't buy into a dream that will only make you disappointed.

Build a world you actually love that works around you.

Have a great week,

Copy "don't fall for the lies" Maverick

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