Subject: You're overthinking it.

Your next client is 1 conversation away.

When it comes to landing copywriting clients, there's a 99% chance you're overthinking it.

And it's not your fault...

It's because you've been programmed to.

You see, social media gurus often make you think there's only one path to success.

And usually, that's a course they're selling.

The reality is there's no absolute path to success.

What might work for someone else may be terrible for you.

And what works for you might be terrible for someone else.

The problem is getting sucked into a scarcity mindset...

Particularly when it comes to outreach.

Most marketers will give you 2 options:

1) Building a personal brand (inbound marketing)

2) Cold outreach (outbound marketing)

But by limiting yourself to these 2 options you forget about the hundreds of other opportunities...

And lock yourself into a box.

Here's why I know this.

This morning I went to the pharmacy.

I got talking to the lead pharmacist (who I've spoken to on a few occasions.)

We got talking about a new service he's offering and how he's unsure how to market it.

Turns out he has an email list of over 10k people.

I asked a few questions about what he's previously done for marketing and realised there's huge potential.

I gave him my email and by the time I'd gotten home I'd received an email asking for a call.

The pharmacist also mentions he has two other friends who are looking for an email marketer.

That's 3 potential clients from a single conversation.

Which leads me to my point...

There are opportunities EVERYWHERE.

The problem is you're looking in the same place as everyone else.

I've landed clients at:

Business events, restaurants, networking groups...

As well as through cold email and my personal brand.

And with everyone now doing cold outreach, your easiest opportunities will be with businesses that don't receive hundreds of emails a day.

Think brick and mortar businesses who have an email list but don't use them.

Car washes. Bike shops. Spa's.

All of these could double their revenue with email marketing.

And those who get involved in these markets early could dominate the industry.

Start thinking about how you can be different, and you can scale faster than you ever imagined.

Have a great week,

Copy "think outside the box" Mav

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