Subject: Your secret to scaling is...


Are you struggling to scale your business?

Have you taken advice from every guru out there?

Are you working daily but you can't hit your goals?

If yes, you're likely missing one thing...


You see, most people make the same mistake.

They start by studying super successful people.

The global elite.

Elon. Buffet. Bezos.

But there's one BIG problem with this.

There's a huge difference between where you are and where they are.

They have the leverage to operate in ways that don't apply to most businesses.

They have unlimited financial assets. Global connections. And more experience than 99% of the planet.

This is where people go wrong.

They copy the routines of these global elites and very quickly...

They fail.

They're learning how to run a business without having the leverage to operate that way.

So what should you do?

Let's assume you're starting from scratch.

You have no assets, no connections and no financial backing.

Your first goal should be to scale from 0 to $2k a month.

So you study what people at this level are doing.

Their habits, their business models, their offers.

Learn from these and add your own twist.

Set a deadline to hit $2k and start working towards that goal.

Then once you've hit this, you repeat again, this time, with people making $10k a month.

It's important you don't jump the gun here.

Focus on the process.

Don't focus on people earning 100k a month (as tempting as it is).

You don't have the same leverage as they do.

If you try this, you'll likely overspend, end up in negative cash flow and be back at square one.

Instead of focusing on 100k entrepreneurs focus on 10k ones.

What are they doing?

How do they operate?

What’s their USP?

Copy this again and add your own personal touch.

This process is the secret to scaling.

Work on smaller goals until you have the leverage to scale.

Remember, someone earning 100k a month can pull strings someone earning 2k can’t.

They have connections, capital, and capacity that you don’t have yet.

So instead of trying to run a marathon after completing a 5k, scale with smaller actionable steps.

This way you have the leverage to take action and make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

Focus on this process and you'll achieve your goals faster than you think.

Have a good week.

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