Subject: Your catalyst to copywriting success is...


If you want to build your copywriting business quickly there's one thing that'll help you stand out:


Once you have social proof to support your claims the whole game gets easier.

But different types of social proof are more effective than others.

Here are the top 3 types of social proof that'll help you kick-start your business.

1) Testimonials

Everyone talks about testimonials.

But different testimonials have different leverage.

For example character testimonials vs figures testimonials.

A character testimonial would be something like:

"Jack is a great copywriter who delivers on time and exceeds expectations"

It's better than nothing, but doesn't really tell you much.

A figures testimonial on the other hand would look like this:

"Jack increased our revenue by $250k in just 3 months"

Do you see the difference here?

Most prospects want one thing: results.

If you can show you've delivered results in the past then landing another client becomes much easier.

Your Clients

When you're getting started it can be difficult to land bigger clients.

However one client can change the game for you.

When I first got into the cryptocurrency space I worked with an NFT project that generated $21 million at launch.

They got me through the door to work with Cointelegraph- one of the leading blockchain magazine companies in the world with around 12 million monthly readers.

Whenever I applied for another crypto project I almost always got the work.

All I had to do was name the brand I'd worked with, and it got their attention.

If you can work with an industry leader within your market, you need to be name dropping them on all your outreach methods.

Your Network

If you're struggling to land big name clients, you can also name people in your network.

These can be your coaches, or people who are killing it in a particular niche.

This is due to association bias.

If you're associated with someone who is already generating huge results then people assume you are too.

It's extremely simple, but can get you into meetings with businesses that would otherwise be inaccessible.

For the best results you can combine these together:

"I generated X result in Y time for *famous company*. I'd love to do the same for your business"

With this level of social proof, you make it hard for prospects to not give you a chance.

Have a great week,

- Copy "social proof" Maverick

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