Subject: You have to be a little crazy

An underrated trait that every successful person has.

"The person who says they can and the person who says they can’t are both usually right" - Confucius

If you've spent any time on the internet you've likely seen a rags to riches story.

Think George Soros, Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Bezos.

While these stories are inspirational they beg the question:

How did these people achieve success?

Some people attribute it to luck.

Others attribute it to hard work.

But there's another factor that plays a role.

An unrealistic and unsupported level of self-belief.

These people truly believed they would become a success even when they had no reason to do so.

And while this may seem like a relatively unimportant factor it's actually the key to success.

You see, while online gurus will create the perception that building a business is easy, the reality is it's anything but.

It's long hours, hard work and constant setbacks.

And the final point is where self-belief comes into the picture.

When you experience setbacks it's normal to question yourself.

You'll ask if you're truly good enough, if business is for you and whether or not you can succeed.

This is where 90% of people quit.

They work hard for a few months, don't see results and decide business isn't for them.

But the other 10% keep going.

Two years later 1% of this 10% are still going.

This is something I've personally seen myself.

Very few of the people I started with are still going.

And guess what all of them have?

An unexplainable level of self-belief.

I've been lucky enough to develop this mindset from a young age.

In primary school I was laughed at for not being good at maths.

I went on to go to one of the best grammar schools in the country.

In secondary school a teacher laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a millionaire.

I make her annual salary in two months.

At university everyone questioned me when I chose not to get a 9-5.

I now run a six-figure business while many are stuck in dead end jobs.

Now, I'm not saying this to flex but to prove a point.

From a young age nobody believed in me...

But me.

I've constantly had people try to project their doubts and limitations on me.

I've had people call me crazy for how much I believe in myself.

I've lost friends and family as a result.

But this is the reality.

If I believe I'll succeed I'll be successful.

If I believe I'll fail I'll be a failure.

Your mindset is everything in life and business.

The moment you understand that is the moment your life changes.

Have a great week,

Copy "Believe in yourself" Maverick

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