Subject: Why you need to build a customer profile


Last week I signed a new client.

They wanted me to re-write their landing page and email flows.

The founder came to me stating that his site was getting traffic but not converting.

I headed over to the site to take a look and straight away I found the problem.

Everything was extremely generic.

It read like your typical "writing to everyone" text.

I messaged the founder and asked who their target market was.

To which he replied "anyone who has a website".

They were offering their service to everyone.

It was no surprise they weren't making any sales.

I messaged the founder again and asked him to create an ideal customer profile for a single niche and explained why his text wasn't converting.

Initially he was hesitant and stated that by focusing on one niche he'd be discounting other potential clients he could sell to.

The reality couldn't be different.

When you're starting out in business you want to sell your service to a specific market.

Selling PT services? Who is your service for?

Young men who want to impress women?

Older people who want to focus on longevity?

Successful women who want to find the time to stay in shape?


The more specific your offer, the better it will convert.

"I help marketing agencies land clients with cold email"

Sounds much better than

"I offer cold email services".

A real easy way to be specific when identifying your market is to create a character profile.

Draw a stick man on some paper (or a real one if your artistic talents allow you to) and list their traits around them.

Gender, age, desires, pain points, hobbies, the information they consume.

Write down everything you can think of.

Doing this will help you understand who you're writing to.

For example, if you're selling PT services to an older generation you're not going to focus on building the perfect set of abs.

Likewise, if you're selling to a younger generation you're not going to focus on ease of movement.

By building a customer profile you can begin to understand the consumers pain points which will help you tailor your writing to their needs.

I guarantee this will improve your conversions.

As a copywriter you need to be doing this for every client you have.

Talk to them about their current customer base.

Ask who they're selling to, their pain points, desires etc.

Then you can base your writing from the information you have.

Although the task is simple, it will dramatically improve your writing and the results you deliver.

Have a great week,

Copy Mav

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