Subject: Why this popular copywriting "tip" could be killing your conversions...

Here's what you should be doing instead

If you've ever read anything about copywriting then you've heard this phrase:

"You should always talk about benefits over features."

While this isn't wrong, it's also not the full picture.

You see, people don't buy features or benefits.

They buy outcomes.

What exactly do I mean by this?

Let's use protein powder as an example.

The feature would be:

"Our protein powder has 10g more protein than the next best supplement"

The benefit would be:

"Our protein powder has more protein to help support weight loss and muscle growth"

The outcome would be:

"Our protein powder helps you put on an extra 4lbs of lean muscle mass a month, allowing you to lift more in the gym, feel more confident, and achieve your peak physique."

See the difference?

While the benefit outlines how the product helps the customer, the outcome goes into greater depth.

This makes the argument more compelling and shows what the reader can achieve.

Let's use coaching as another example:

The feature would be:

"Our coaching contains 15 hours of content"

The benefit would be:

"Our coaching will help you build the business of your dreams"

The outcome would be:

"Our coaching will help you build a business that brings in $5k extra a month on autopilot, with just 5 hours of work a week."

Again, we go into greater detail as to how the service helps the reader while creating a picture in their mind.

This little extra detail is often overlooked by copywriters and can significantly increase your conversions.

So next time you edit your work ask yourself:

"Am I going into enough detail and writing about the outcomes, not just the benefits?"

You'll be surprised how much of a difference this makes.

P.S. I have something for you...

After significant demand, I've decided to launch a small 1 on 1 coaching program.

This will be strictly limited to 3 spots, and I'll personally:

• Teach you how to write copy that converts

• Give you the strategies I use to land clients

• Give you weekly feedback on your copy

• And more

If you're interested reply to this email with "Learn more."

But only reply IF you're truly serious about learning copywriting and you're willing to invest in your education.

I'll be running my first 3 spots at a discount, so this isn't an offer you want to miss.

Have a great week,

Copy "talk about outcomes" Mav

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