Subject: Why most "gurus" can't monetise their audience

You need to avoid this positioning mistake

Most people position themselves wrong.

And it's a nightmare for monetisation.

You see, there are two ways to position yourself.

The first is as a source of information.

This is how most people build large audiences.

Think of generic posts like:

"25 ways to land copywriting clients"

"19 productivity tips to get more done in...."

"18 ways to build an income online"

You'll see a lot of accounts on Twitter with over 6 figures posting this kind of stuff.

But I'm going to let you in on a little secret...

99% of them are completely broke.

How do I know?

I've spoken to many of them.

They have a generic audience that they can't monetize.

And here's why...

People don't value information.

Especially if it's free.

That's why you'll see hundreds of people bookmarking posts they'll never go back to.

And it's why these accounts can't make money.

They're just another information source.

So what should you do instead?

Position yourself as an expert. 


Show your results.


> Testimonials

> Sales generated

> Case study breakdowns

If you haven't got results, show your skills.

> Live copy breakdowns

> Break down copy for a brand

> Show how you'd re-write something

Will these posts get as much engagement?

Absolutely not.


They'll get the right kind of engagement.

You'll attract an audience of people who see you as an expert.

And if they see you as an expert they'll buy from you.

So here's the moral of the story...

Don't go chasing vanity metrics.

Likes. Followers. Comments.

These mean nothing if you're not increasing the amount of money being sent to your bank.

Focus on positioning yourself (or your client) as an expert and that's where you'll get the real money.

Have a great week,

Copy "Position yourself correctly" Maverick

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