Subject: Why hustle culture is bs


I'd be lying to you if I said to you the past few months hadn't been a challenge for me.

I'd fallen ill, caught COVID, and mitigating circumstances meant I didn't have the time to work on my business.

I felt like I was taking 2 steps back for every step forward.

I was frustrated, tired and on the brink of burnout.

Something had to budge and yet all I could think about was work.

Luckily I had a skiing holiday booked in the South of France.

I decided to take this time to completely reset.

No work. No emails. No calls. The only thing I would focus on was myself.

Having returned two days ago I can say one thing: the rest has worked a miracle.

I've come back to my desk this morning feeling refreshed, motivated and clear headed.

In only 2 hours I've closed 2 calls, completed my outreach and planned work for my current clients.

This afternoon I'll be conducting research and doubling down on working on the business.

As well as feeling motivated I feel grateful for the things I have in my life.

Being away for a week helped me take a step back from work.

It made me realise that many of our daily stressors aren't actually that important.

As long as you have your health, a loving circle, and a home to live in, you have everything you need to be happy.

Everything else is just a bonus.

So what exactly does this have to do with copywriting?

As copywriters and business owners we have an urge to be working all the time.

Most of us have bought into the typical hustle culture lifestyle.

What most people don't tell you is that this lifestyle is often hindering us.

Working when you're burnt out is like trying to light a candle without a wick- it's not going to light.

Despite what social media will tell you, taking breaks every few months is crucial.

Go away for a week. Go spend time with family. Go visit some friends.

Do things that take you outside of your daily routine and recuperate.

When you return, you'll find your productivity, ability to focus & motivation will return naturally.

Repeat this a few times a year and you'll fast track your progress.

Remember, you come first.

If your mind isn't right, then your business can't be either.

- Copy Mav

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