Subject: Why folding your clothes can change your life


A few years ago I came across a quote that resonated with me.

It went something along the lines of:

"How you do one thing is how you do everything"

At the time, I didn't really know what this meant.

How could the way I wash up impact the way I run my business?

In my mind the two didn't correlate.

However, over the past few years, I've slowly started to understand this concept.

It's not about how you do something.

It's about discipline and doing things with purpose.

A great example of this concept can be found in the military.

In the military you're required to be up at certain times, clean your clothes to perfection and have them folded down to a centimeter.

In theory, this is pretty pointless as the enemy isn't going to care whether or not your uniform is clean.

But in reality, it changes the way you do everything.

If you have the discipline to fold your clothes to perfection every day, you have the discipline to get up at a certain time.

If you have the discipline to get up at a certain time, you have the discipline to get ahead.

If you have the discipline to get ahead, you'll win at what you do.

And this effect snowballs through every area of your life.

When I was at university I would put half effort into anything.

I'd rarely go to lectures, study at the last minute, and my notes were a joke.

I still managed to get good grades, but this half effort would spread to other areas of my life.

While I had potential, I was wasting it.

My life started to change during my Masters Degree, when I started to take things a little more seriously.

I'd take the time to do everything to a high standard.

Pushing myself during workouts. Completing coursework early. Prepping for exams.

And I ended up getting the highest grade on most assessments.

This also happened to be the same time I started to get involved in copywriting.

And from the very start I made an active effort to do everything with purpose.

I wasn't studying for the sake of getting one hour done. I was studying to learn.

I wasn't writing to hit a word count. I was writing to convert.

I wasn't reading to procrastinate. I was reading to improve my thinking.

This mindset has now carried over to every area of my life.

Training. Copy. Relationships.

Everything I do, I do so with the highest level of discipline and effort.

Now, this isn't me saying I'm perfect.

I still make mistakes, have off days and get things wrong.

But whenever I steer off course I always do my best to bounce back.

From my experience, if you can stay on track 80% of days you're already ahead of 99% of most people.

If you're not sure where to start with this concept, start with the small things.

Neatly fold your clothes. Make sure the dishes are spotless. Put your clothes out the night before work.

Although these tasks are mundane and boring, you build the habit of doing things with purpose.

And this habit will transfer to your work, business and relationships.

It might sound stupid, but folding your clothes correctly can change your life.

This week try to actively focus on everything you do.

Repeat this for a month and you can change your habits entirely.

Have a great week,


Copy "do things with purpose" Maverick

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